home/ blog/April 28 2024

We had to land a barge for repairs

Cool find while watching the barge land

Pretty Tree

Lookin good in Lockport!

My plant is still alive


I scraped ice off my windshield on Thursday morning. These low temps are killing me. I like snow and stuff but geez man. I miss the sun.

On this week

Work was good. I've had a grasp of this job for a while. I do enjoy it. The very basic of hours required. I worked a bunch on side projects. They were kinda a bitch this week. A lot of looking for the right data and to be honest I am not sure that I have found it.
I have done nothing this week expect play minecraft and read. Money has been tight again so I haven't been going out. I haven't done anything that resembles being productive in my free time except cleaning my apartment.

On addiction

I picked up a nicotine habit around nineteen years old. I was a DARE kid and wasn't allowed to go outside very often as a child. When I joined the Army and got to come and go as I please I began partying a lot. A lot of drinking, and other substances was experimented with at this time. Out of all of the things I have picked up nicotine has been the most difficult to put down. It is such a vice. I have 'quit' many times, but it likes to find me at my weakest and then I run the gammut again.
It makes me content with not doing anything all day. If there's one thing I do not like for myself, it would be that. Nicotine gets the blame for this and thus, I need to quit if I want to be happy with myself. It is just difficult.

On Hagakure

Written by two paper pushing samurai, it talks about the expectations of samurai. Everything I have read about the book I disagree with. It is full of death and suicide yes, but the main point of this book is service. The context of this service is to some lord but most of it can still be applied today. The parts on death can be applied as well but I do not think that was the idea this collection of writings was trying to purvey. It is mostly about virtue and living an honorable life, which includes an honorable death.
I wish I had more to write about but I think that about sums it up.
