Another week has come and gone and taken my will to write out this weeks blog.
It has been a normal week. More difficult than previous ones but I am getting close the end of the dry January. I can't say for sure that the difficulty begins and ends with drastic changes to my lifestyle but it definitely felt like it.
Any remnants of the artic temperatures we had are gone. Only the biggest of snow piles are still laying around and those will be gone in the next few days as well. Everything is muddy and I haven't see the sun rise in weeks. The overcast has definitely left a malase over me.
I saw the rat hole this week. It was a fun adventure going to the city. It was my first time in the city by myself. After paying tribute I had a delicious Croque Madame, saw The Gantz Hall at Roosevelt University, then headed to see a "human powered elevator".
It ended up being a "human controlled elevator". I feel like I was lied to but it was cool enough that I'll just bitch about it on my cool Neocities blog. While checking out the elevator there was a pop-up cafe and puppet display on the fourth floor of The Fine Arts Building.
The puppets were weird. The art was weird. Like most contemporary art, everything was "super unique". Some of it was creepy and most of it looked like it would smell if you got too close. But it was in fact very pop-up, very fun, and left me with a tailwind that will last for a while.
This week I had a friend threaten to kill himself. I hate this shit. What do you want from me? It's the same stuff every time man. Can you not see that?
With Febuary coming next week that means that dry January is over and it will be time to move onto other things. I want to make a song a week for the 4 weeks of Febuary. Starting a new one Thursday and finishing it by Wednesday the following week. I will publish the results here. They will suck. Trust me.
I have been doing the whole getting out at least once a week thing and it has been a blast so far. I will continue that and also will make it a point to go to two different concerts two different weeks the month of Febuary.
I have plans for the website. With the goal to have the new site ready to publish by spring. I just completed the HTML section of W3schools and I am now moving onto CSS.
It looks like I have more pictures than I have words.
Thank you,