home/ blog/March 17 2024

Savannah Airport

Savannah Riverwalk

Vieux Carre

Weird drink. I'll have one more and it still tastes like prunes im over it.

First daffodils on the year!

The amount of people was impressive


It wasn't even 11


Summer / Winter. Sober / Hungover. Much like the last week was Winter, it was also hungover.
I came back to work on Tuesday this week having spent the last 5 days drinking.
I thought I was hungover, but I was just sick. Sunday some 6 days later and I am still under the weather.
Maybe I'll get my coworkers sick.

On the week before

I missed last weeks blog entry as I was in Savannah. That whole week, I really don't remember. I do remember spending some time trying to dual boot Arch Linux on my computer. I have Arch installed and can boot into it, but I am still figuring out my wifi card.

On Savannah

I am part of a drinking club. I swear I'm not as much a hedon as it sounds. I do like to drink though. So much so I flew to a city with other people who like to drink and we all sat around and drank from Thursday to Monday. I got to see some old friends.

On Utopia

I finished Utopia by Sir Thomas Moore. I read the original translation. I am not that impressed with this book. Being compared to The Republic is the worst thing that ever happened to this book. The Republic is leaps and bounds above Utopia. While Plato talks about the repercussions of such a society Moore tries to make one that now days would be The Mormons with extra steps. It is almost like he lost the point, "That it is pointless to make a virtuous city".
That being my opinion so far, I have a newer translation of the same book I will read soon. I would like to know what I am getting out of a book by reading old or new translations and unfortunately, to find out, this is how it is to be done.
On work
I really enjoy my job. As of late though it has been even more so rewarding. I really enjoy programming and data manipulation so spending a few hours here or there automating a task or scrapping websites is cool. The big thing about why it is rewarding is that that's not what I get paid for. I could largely do my job without a computer. So whenever I feel like laying down the VBA, I get to. And lately, it has been a lot.

On People

It has been difficult making friends. And constantly, it seems like the problem is me. I know a lot of people go through this difficultly in trying to connect with others but I never worry about them. I wonder about the person with all the friends in the world. Do they think more than me? Less? Dumber? Are they smarter?
Is it my fault that no one wants to hang out with me?
Most of the time it is obvious when I say the wrong thing.
I think about when I say the wrong things a lot.
Overthinking won't help that's for sure.
Another week come and gone.
