home/ blog/March 24 2024

On Warmth

I don't bruise often


A bargecleaner

I love my office and it's view


Spring is coming. The Jane Magnolias are blooming and the daffodils return from there frozen beds. Soon the sweet felicity of hyacinth will woft over my town.

On this week

I was able to kick the ball and chain that general sickness weighs you down with. I have bounced back to myself. It feels great. My mother's birthday was this week. It reminds me that I have not been home in seven or so years. I hope to make it home soon.

There was no adventure this week. I would have liked to go see Abelation on Friday but management of my finances still needs work. It is something I am conscious of and working on, but this is the second time I am finding myself in this position and I hope that it is the last. If something horrible would happen, a flat tire, I would be destitute. I have been balancing my checkbook at last once a week since January and I am hoping constant attention of this brings with it a maturity and sensibility.

On warmth

I have always prefered the heat to the cold. The Texas summer sun and my shoulders were great friends in my teens and early twenties. We used to drive hours out to hazy West Texas and longboard an entire day away. Hiking the miles of uphill that is obligated after having rode down. I wish I remembered more of those days. They would be my favorite to reminisce.
Soon enough, up here in Chicagoland, hints of those southern summers will be upon me and I will lap them up with ferocity. I have many plans for this half of the year. I have made an ill habit of sitting inside and watching the sun go down behind youtube videos but those afternoons have grown old on me. I thirst for fresh air and lush grass between my toes.
To get a bike and use it. To kick a ball around barefoot on public soccer fields. Lastly, getting back on a longboard being the foremost concern. Illinois famously lacks the massive hills needed to rub square inches of skin off, but I will do. Fancy footwork and pushing paved parks shall be good enough for a few months I hope.

On books

I am a week behind on my goal of a book a year. Technically, if you count all books I have read, I should be well into June or July by now but I can not in good terms with myself count 'easy' books. Those being generic fiction and pop writing. I believe I will have caught up with my goal by the end of this week. The Social Contract which I am reading now is an easy enough book to finish in the next day or two.
Pride and Prejudice, the book I finished yesterday, was such a delight. I loved everything about it. An ex girlfriend of mine considers it her favorite and I took the opportunity to call and spend an hour talking strictly of the book and Mr Collins and Mr Darcy. She is doing well. She has always had an application to life that I have been jealous of and it warms my heart that it has not changed.

On this blog

I had told myself that I would have a lovely new layout when Spring came. Well I have made a liar of myself. While I come back to CSS every once in a while I have been so enamored with VBA and Linux as of late that it is a bore to learn how to properly align divs in a table.
I want people to actually read this, why else would I write? Making it more appealing for people to look at is a sure way of doing that. I would like to be some part of this community and so, it must be done.
I will see you next week ol friend
