home/ blog/March 3rd 2024
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Found this house suspended over a drainage ditch splorin last weekend

Naturally I had to see what was under it

Dellwood Park from the other side of the highway

The local government didn't need this bridge anymore so they moved it to a park for people to walk on

A mile or so from the bridge left me at this bench with the Des Plaines

It was pretty good. I'd eat again

poor boat

Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie

I was promised buffalo. Here they are

Illinois has no National Park but they do have this National Prairie


The season is changing. The warm shine is becoming more commonplace and its source is spotted more frequently in the mornings.
My desk at work faces east and my office at home west so I enjoy the most of the sun as I can.
It is amazing how different the people here are in the Spring. They blossom like the flowers. The mood is infectious and I enjoy it a lot.

On Music

The last song for the month. It is very bad. The phasing effect I was going for seems to only be obvious in the room with the speakers that I made it in.
It was nice making a song a week. I opened Ableton a lot more than I ever have.

On Febuary

The month after Dry January.

is never as gluttonous for me as one would expect. If my memory serves me correctly, my libations only accounted for one hangover this month. Pretty good.
I had a mission to go to two concerts this month. I failed that mission. Expenses are at an all time high right now and so going out for music was passed on. I wanted to go to one where I drank and one where I didn't. I will still go to one sober, just not in the month of Febuary. Abelation will be in Chicago soon. I will be at that show dead or alive.
Febuary was very beautiful and rewarding regardless. I spent a lot of time outside. Even in the horrible weather. There is a pride in being the only motherfucker outside in the ice and the cold and the wind.

On Philosphy

I have been reading a book a week for the last 2 months. A nice pace I had hoped to keep up. Unfortunately I started two books at the same time, and finished neither of them. To be generous though, most books I pick up aren't as problematic as Parmenides or Utopia. My copies are old translations. Utopia being the original 600 year old english.
Utopia so far has been a good read. I don't know if anything in it is too terribly unique or different from the people before him.
I had a friend ask why I read such books this week. The answer I gave him rabbled and his attention waned. I had the chance to convince him to read some but failed. Still, it got me thinking on why I spend so much time on books that amount to nothing but word games. I came to two answers.
The first being that I have endeavored to not hate myself. When I am stranded or hours from home with a dead phone with only my thoughts to keep me company I want to be comfortable with the quiet. The thoughts that come and go through my head and my relationship with them are much better the more I figure my place in the world and the meaning of it.
The second I can phrase as a question: What would a woman have if they had learned the lesson of all that came before them?

On March

For march, I am confronting my bad habit of spending hours a day and week playing video games. I am limiting myself to only one hour a day regardless of the day of the week. The idea is that I don't just sit on my ass and watch youtube either. I have plenty of projects to finish and the goal is that I get them done when I no longer have the refuge that gaming provides.
I am excited to be outside more too. I have gotten too comfortable in being inside. My body has been complaining about how lazy I have become. I would like to kick a ball around a lot this Spring/Summer. Along with other outside activities like biking, skating, croquet, tresspassing.
Another week come and gone. I have a vacation next weekend. Idk when I will be able to upload another blog. Maybe two weeks from now.

Thank you,